

mandag 4. mai 2009

Monochrome Monday again.

This is a Building in Kristiansund,a lovely City in the North-West part og Norway.

To see more,go to our Host Aileni at Monochrome Maniacs.

13 kommentarer:

Clueless in Boston sa...

The building almost looks too perfect to be real. Are you sure it's not really a model scene photographed to look normal size:)

Rune Eide sa...

Den egnet seg ypperlig her - fine gråtoner og tydelige linjer.

PS Takk for koselige kommentarer - ang. mitt s-h bilde, så finner du stoler, rullestoler brett deler av senger etc etc... :-)

Carver sa...

I like the architecture of that building and the photograph is great.

Liz Hinds sa...

That could be a jigsaw! It has that look about it.

I love the rhododendrons below too.

Aileni sa...

You have such clean-cut architecture.

Sherrie sa...

Very nice photo and building! The building is very box like! But nice! Have a great day!!


Marie Reed sa...

Hooray for Monochrome Monday! So happy to have found your blog!

Dragonstar sa...

The building has very elegant lines. I love the cloud-pattern, too.

Anne sa...

Å den tror jeg da faktisk jeg har sett `in real life` også gitt. Litt så anerledes arkitektur enn hva man er vamt til. Gjorde seg yppelig i sort hvitt da .-))

Rune sa...

Pene gråtoner i bildet, bygget ser ut til å bli tatt vare på, det så veldig pent ut. Artig med det "hatten" på toppen der :)


Rart det der, at sånne eldre bygg gjør seg så godt i sort/hvitt! Flott perspektiv i bilde!

slim sa...

This building is pristine. It's so refreshing . . . is the whole town like this?

Robin sa...

Wonderfully designed - it's as if the building is rising right up out of the hill. Marvelous.